It’s been a long month! Earlier in August, Wizards of the Coast announced Eberron: Rising From The Last War. I can confirm that I’ve been working on this book throughout the year, and I’m excited to see it coming to fruition. In addition, I’m continuing to work on my own Eberron book for the DM’s Guild, Project: Raptor; you can see the first rough draft of an important image above. Of course, “Project: Raptor” is just a code name, tied to an old joke about someone expecting the sourcebook to be 300 pages of dinosaurs. I’m going to reveal the ACTUAL title this Friday at my Eberron panel at DragonCon.
What’s that? That’s right! This weekend I’ll be at DragonCon in Atlanta, and I’m on a lot of panels! Here’s the list:
Time: Fri 10:00 am Location: Augusta 1-2 – Westin
Description: Find out about all of the goings-on in the pulp game industry. We discuss what has happened in the role-playing, board game, & miniatures markets. We also talk about the mainstreaming of tabletop games to a new precedent that we’ve never seen! Finally, we talk about all of the latest trends!
Panelists: Eloy Lasanta, Jason Bulmahn, Keith Baker, Jenn Ellis
Time: Fri 01:00 pm Location: Augusta 3 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: I’ll be talking about the latest developments for Eberron, including Rising From The Last War and Project: Raptor! I expect to be showing off a lot of art for Raptor, as well as announcing the name of the book!
Panelists: Keith Baker
Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: Centennial I – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: Our professional game masters come out to talk about all of their secrets–everything from the basics at the game table to their more advanced techniques.
Panelists: Jason Massey, Eloy Lasanta, Keith Baker, Devon M Chulick
Time: Sat 10:00 am Location: Augusta 1-2 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: A Year of the Bard-themed panel! We will discuss crafting memorable & exquisite villains for your campaigns. Are villains truly evil or just misunderstood? We also talk about role-playing as the villain.
Panelists: Jason Bulmahn, Keith Baker, Kenneth Hite
Time: Sat 01:00 pm Location: Centennial I – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: Year after year, this is one of our most popular panels! Our designers talk about constructing the trickiest, most interesting, & most memorable dungeons ever!
Panelists: Jason Bulmahn, Keith Baker
Time: Sat 02:30 pm Location: Augusta 1-2 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: In this panel, we talk to some of our award-winning designers about designing great threats for your table top. What makes a great monster? How do you make a creature that take on a whole party? How do you make unique & interesting threats that fascinate players?
Panelists: Jason Bulmahn, Keith Baker
Time: Sat 04:00 pm Location: International South – Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: This is it! Our ultimate Year of the Bard panel! Here, we talk about all things role-playing, from creating characters, crafting motivations, to using mannerisms & doing voices….we talk about it all! Don’t miss the panel that you demanded!
Panelists: Jeff Burns, Keith Baker
Time: Sun 04:00 pm Location: Augusta 3 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: Over the last few years, Twogether Studios has created the RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command, along with the card games Illimat and Action Cats. Join Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis as they discuss their plans for the future and reveal details about their upcoming Adventure Zone game!
Panelists: Keith Baker, Jenn Ellis
If you’re going to be at DragonCon, I hope you’ll be able to attend one or more of these panels. Beyond that, if you see me at the con, I’m almost (ALMOST) always happy to talk about Eberron, Phoenix: Dawn Command, Illimat, or anything else I’ve created!
That’s it: I hope to see you there!
Please record the Eberron panel, if there’s any way to do so!
Absolutely looking forward to all of the announcements with Eberron and Twogether Studios. Hopefully those attending will be nice and share information! Have a great Dragoncon!
Do I spy Greykell and Mace in that header image?
And is that Metrol during the war?
do you have make any new for your project raptor in dragoncon this friday ?
Are those Warforged Titans I see?! IS THIS FEATURING MY FAVOURITE (no longer a) NATION!? As you can probably tell, I’m very excited indeed! Wish I could have seen the panels and I’ve already pre-ordered Rising from the Last War; I’m loving this setting right now.
I’m worried about the lack of news since this post. Were you C&Ded in some fashion? Or just asked to hold off for a few months so the official book can sell first?