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19 thoughts on “Patreon Preview: Etrigani and Kaius”
Thank you so much. This is fantastic. I love all of the possibility, that several aspects could be true or catered to fit the right story.
Sovereigns and Six, the idea that Etrigani developed the Mark of Death is a truly awesome one, and it’d be amazing to employ in a campaign. In that regard I could see something of a paralleling between Etrigani and Illmarrow, where Etrigani is essentially what Illmarrow could’ve been had she lived. Admittedly it likely would not be a SIBERYS Mark of Death like Erandis had, but I think it’d be enough to tick Illmarrow off.
I always loved the idea of someone from a culture that hates Mabaran undead and who spent her entire life training to kill them falling in love with a Mabaran undead. In the “Kaius III is Kaius I but Kaius III” option, it’d probably be more of Kaius mentoring Etrigani in the ways of the Seekers than a romantic partnership, but still just as interesting, especially since he’d be her father-in-law. What sort of things might Etrigani be learning from the Seekers?
You could still do that with Kaius III. Just because Kaius III is Kaius III, doesn’t mean that Kaius III can’t be a vampire. Kaius III could be so committed to the part of playing Kaius I playing Kaius III, that he chose to become a vampire.
This is certainly true. Kaius III could be Kaius III and be a vampire spawned by Kaius I; as I’ve mentioned with Moranna, Illmarrow’s control doesn’t pass down through the generations.
I guess another question on that front might be about what differentiates Kaius III from Kaius I. We’ve got a very good idea as to what sort of character Kaius I is, and he’s extremely unique and well-written. But we don’t know much about his descendant. I assumed the biggest difference was that Kaius III was alive, but if that’s not necessary for Kaius III’s characterization, what differentiates him from his great-grandpa?
Another question I have is what precisely about the Blood of Vol is Etrigani learning. What kind of spells, knowledge, ect. Essentially, if an Undying Councilor asked her what she’d learned on her mission, what would she tell them?
I guess another question on that front might be about what differentiates Kaius III from Kaius I.
I’ve expanded on the article to address this further. The point of the K3=K3-K1-K3 approach is that Kaius I has molded Kaius III with the intent that Lady Illmarrow can’t tell them apart. He’s done his best to shape his great grandson into a mirror of himself, and Kaius III has committed to that role and that battle. But… who is HE? Does HE even know the answer to that question? Does he want to? He’s overshadowed by the force of his ancestor’s legend and personality. Who is he without it? If you take the K3 is K3, no vampires approach, then the point is still that he does resemble K1 and that people have laid those expectations upon him; he’s still carrying the question of whether he seeks to emulate K1 or to find a different path.
Another question I have is what precisely about the Blood of Vol is Etrigani learning. What kind of spells, knowledge, ect
I don’t see her as actually learning Seeker magic. She’s not a cleric. She’s approaching it as a scholar. She’s talking to Seekers about the role the faith has for them; studying the ways the Seekers use undead to strengthen the community, studying the channeling rituals and the impact they have on Mabaran emanations. I don’t think she has enough information yet to make any sort of case to the Undying Court; keep in mind that she’s first and foremost a QUEEN, not a researcher, so her ability to pursue the matter is limited.
How would Regent Moranna factor in to all of this?
Would she still be a vampire turned by Kaius I as Kaius III if Kaius III is actually Kaius I? Would she still be a vampire if Kaius III is trying to convince fool Lady Illmarrow into thinking he’s Kaius I and Kaius I is Prisoner Deep Fourteen in Dreadhold?
I’ve added this to the end of the article. In my opinion, if Moranna is a vampire, she was made a vampire by Kaius I and this was likely done while Kaius III was a child, if not before. Five Nations describes Moranna as using “magic to give herself a deathlike pallor and some undead qualities”; she’s essentially been hiding in plain sight by cultivating a goth vibe. So yes, in the K3=K3-K1-K3 equation she would still be a vampire sired by K1 and left in place to protect and advise K3. Or, perhaps she is just a wizard with a goth vibe; again, ultimately the DM can decide which of the rumors are true.
The other note that comes to mind – where I thought you were going with the stinger – is that the Queen of the Dead is a lord of Dolurrh and that Etrigani may have found a higher calling/her own supernatural patron.
She could be a warlock, with something like the undying patron of the 2014 books! Being (knowingly or not) an agent of the queen of the dead in the material plane.
Keith, thank you for continuing to make stuff I will use in my next campaign in Karrnath! I really like the plot of Kaius III pretending to be Kaius I. I’m thinking of making Karrnath enter a civil war during the campaign, with Illmarrow breaking Kaius I out of his cell and comanding him to take the throne. So it would be the war of the Kaius (Kaiuses?) where Kaius I (while controled by Vol) wanting the to break the treaty of thronehold, reinstating the emerald claw and getting support from evil aligned seekers, while Kaius III wants peace. How would you run this plotline, and is it even plausible?
I don’t have time to think through how I’d run it, but I think it’s a great idea!
My preferred interpretation is Kaius III pretending to be Kaius I pretending to be Kaius III. Hands down. But, when I envision unveiling the ruse to my players, I see I and III communicating via a magic mirror or the like (I is a key advisor to his grandson), and playing Conqueror (chess by another name) via a linked board. When a move is made on I’s board, it’s reflected on III’s, and vice versa. That cements I’s reputation as a chessmaster (in multiple meanings), and III’s aspirations.
For extra heartstring pulls, the Queen could pull the players aside and beg them to find some way to lengthen III’s life, because she truly loves him and doesn’t want him to die after only 40 or 60 years.
I love the idea of the two communicating through an enchanted Conqueror board!
Any word on if Etrigani’s name has a meaning? Asking for a friend, who is definitely not me.
It’s an archaic name (and for an elf word to be archaic, that means it’s VERY old). One interpretation would be “Daughter of the Demon.” A kinder interpretation of -gani would be “spirit”, so “Child of the Spirits” or even just “Spirited Child.”
So she’s not named after Etrigan the Demon?
Amazing. In the interest of full disclosure, I have an Elven NPC in one of my games that I mashed some syllables together to get, and wound up with Valetri. Knowing “Val” means glory, it wasn’t until long after I made the character that I made the -etri connection to Etrigani.
So, Child of Glory or Glorious Daughter makes a lot of sense for this character.
This is truly wonderful, Keith! I was hoping for that “deeper secret” of Etrigani! The intrigue possibilities are endless! Thank you!
Thank you so much. This is fantastic. I love all of the possibility, that several aspects could be true or catered to fit the right story.
Sovereigns and Six, the idea that Etrigani developed the Mark of Death is a truly awesome one, and it’d be amazing to employ in a campaign. In that regard I could see something of a paralleling between Etrigani and Illmarrow, where Etrigani is essentially what Illmarrow could’ve been had she lived. Admittedly it likely would not be a SIBERYS Mark of Death like Erandis had, but I think it’d be enough to tick Illmarrow off.
I always loved the idea of someone from a culture that hates Mabaran undead and who spent her entire life training to kill them falling in love with a Mabaran undead. In the “Kaius III is Kaius I but Kaius III” option, it’d probably be more of Kaius mentoring Etrigani in the ways of the Seekers than a romantic partnership, but still just as interesting, especially since he’d be her father-in-law. What sort of things might Etrigani be learning from the Seekers?
You could still do that with Kaius III. Just because Kaius III is Kaius III, doesn’t mean that Kaius III can’t be a vampire. Kaius III could be so committed to the part of playing Kaius I playing Kaius III, that he chose to become a vampire.
This is certainly true. Kaius III could be Kaius III and be a vampire spawned by Kaius I; as I’ve mentioned with Moranna, Illmarrow’s control doesn’t pass down through the generations.
I guess another question on that front might be about what differentiates Kaius III from Kaius I. We’ve got a very good idea as to what sort of character Kaius I is, and he’s extremely unique and well-written. But we don’t know much about his descendant. I assumed the biggest difference was that Kaius III was alive, but if that’s not necessary for Kaius III’s characterization, what differentiates him from his great-grandpa?
Another question I have is what precisely about the Blood of Vol is Etrigani learning. What kind of spells, knowledge, ect. Essentially, if an Undying Councilor asked her what she’d learned on her mission, what would she tell them?
I guess another question on that front might be about what differentiates Kaius III from Kaius I.
I’ve expanded on the article to address this further. The point of the K3=K3-K1-K3 approach is that Kaius I has molded Kaius III with the intent that Lady Illmarrow can’t tell them apart. He’s done his best to shape his great grandson into a mirror of himself, and Kaius III has committed to that role and that battle. But… who is HE? Does HE even know the answer to that question? Does he want to? He’s overshadowed by the force of his ancestor’s legend and personality. Who is he without it? If you take the K3 is K3, no vampires approach, then the point is still that he does resemble K1 and that people have laid those expectations upon him; he’s still carrying the question of whether he seeks to emulate K1 or to find a different path.
Another question I have is what precisely about the Blood of Vol is Etrigani learning. What kind of spells, knowledge, ect
I don’t see her as actually learning Seeker magic. She’s not a cleric. She’s approaching it as a scholar. She’s talking to Seekers about the role the faith has for them; studying the ways the Seekers use undead to strengthen the community, studying the channeling rituals and the impact they have on Mabaran emanations. I don’t think she has enough information yet to make any sort of case to the Undying Court; keep in mind that she’s first and foremost a QUEEN, not a researcher, so her ability to pursue the matter is limited.
How would Regent Moranna factor in to all of this?
Would she still be a vampire turned by Kaius I as Kaius III if Kaius III is actually Kaius I? Would she still be a vampire if Kaius III is trying to convince fool Lady Illmarrow into thinking he’s Kaius I and Kaius I is Prisoner Deep Fourteen in Dreadhold?
I’ve added this to the end of the article. In my opinion, if Moranna is a vampire, she was made a vampire by Kaius I and this was likely done while Kaius III was a child, if not before. Five Nations describes Moranna as using “magic to give herself a deathlike pallor and some undead qualities”; she’s essentially been hiding in plain sight by cultivating a goth vibe. So yes, in the K3=K3-K1-K3 equation she would still be a vampire sired by K1 and left in place to protect and advise K3. Or, perhaps she is just a wizard with a goth vibe; again, ultimately the DM can decide which of the rumors are true.
The other note that comes to mind – where I thought you were going with the stinger – is that the Queen of the Dead is a lord of Dolurrh and that Etrigani may have found a higher calling/her own supernatural patron.
She could be a warlock, with something like the undying patron of the 2014 books! Being (knowingly or not) an agent of the queen of the dead in the material plane.
Keith, thank you for continuing to make stuff I will use in my next campaign in Karrnath! I really like the plot of Kaius III pretending to be Kaius I. I’m thinking of making Karrnath enter a civil war during the campaign, with Illmarrow breaking Kaius I out of his cell and comanding him to take the throne. So it would be the war of the Kaius (Kaiuses?) where Kaius I (while controled by Vol) wanting the to break the treaty of thronehold, reinstating the emerald claw and getting support from evil aligned seekers, while Kaius III wants peace. How would you run this plotline, and is it even plausible?
I don’t have time to think through how I’d run it, but I think it’s a great idea!
My preferred interpretation is Kaius III pretending to be Kaius I pretending to be Kaius III. Hands down. But, when I envision unveiling the ruse to my players, I see I and III communicating via a magic mirror or the like (I is a key advisor to his grandson), and playing Conqueror (chess by another name) via a linked board. When a move is made on I’s board, it’s reflected on III’s, and vice versa. That cements I’s reputation as a chessmaster (in multiple meanings), and III’s aspirations.
For extra heartstring pulls, the Queen could pull the players aside and beg them to find some way to lengthen III’s life, because she truly loves him and doesn’t want him to die after only 40 or 60 years.
I love the idea of the two communicating through an enchanted Conqueror board!
Any word on if Etrigani’s name has a meaning? Asking for a friend, who is definitely not me.
It’s an archaic name (and for an elf word to be archaic, that means it’s VERY old). One interpretation would be “Daughter of the Demon.” A kinder interpretation of -gani would be “spirit”, so “Child of the Spirits” or even just “Spirited Child.”
So she’s not named after Etrigan the Demon?
Amazing. In the interest of full disclosure, I have an Elven NPC in one of my games that I mashed some syllables together to get, and wound up with Valetri. Knowing “Val” means glory, it wasn’t until long after I made the character that I made the -etri connection to Etrigani.
So, Child of Glory or Glorious Daughter makes a lot of sense for this character.
This is truly wonderful, Keith! I was hoping for that “deeper secret” of Etrigani! The intrigue possibilities are endless! Thank you!