In my last three Dragonmark articles, I’ve discussed Arcane Science, The Arcane Arts, and Arcane History. This has raised a few questions, including…
In the last article you mentioned the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers. Could you provide the names of some of the other wizard circles and arcane orders that make up the Arcane Congress?
Certainly! Arcane orders have played an important role in the development of arcane science. and can provide both connections and rivals for spellcasting characters. Eberron: Rising From The Last War discusses the costs and benefits of arcane orders on page 158, while Sharn: City of Towers discusses them on page 146. In short, membership in an arcane order provides you with high-quality lodging, advantage on arcane research and benefits when creating magic items when you have access to the facilities of your order. But beyond that, it provides a degree of status: If you’re a member of the Esoteric Order of Aureon, you’re a REAL wizard. While these are tangible benefits, a second point is that in means that you have peers. As we’ve always said, true wizards are rare and remarkable. If you’re in an arcane order, you know other wizards and artificers. They could provide you with useful leads or insights for your adventures. You could learn spells from the order’s library; if a DM wants to limit spell access, it could be that certain orders are the only place to acquire a specific unusual spell, because Maximillian Hysian of the Esoteric Order created Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp. It can also be a fun source of rivals—whether establishing that you have a friendly rivalry with a member of your own order, or a more bitter feud with a member of another order. It is the case that not all arcane scholars use the wizard or artificer class; there could be a sage in your circle who knows 5th level spells even though they can’t cast them, or someone capable of creating magic items even though they don’t have the full abilities of an artificer.
The canon books specifically discuss the three orders known in Sharn and Breland: the Esoteric Order of Aureon, the Guild of Starlight and Shadows, and the now-shunned Closed Circle. Arcane orders are found across the Five Nations, but they began in ancient Thaliost and Aundair has more than any other nation.
As with anything I write, this is a foundation for DMs to build upon. Ignore what you don’t like, and add your own ideas to your Eberron!
The Arcane Order of Aureon is the largest and most powerful circle in Aundair, wielding influence both within the Arcane Congress and among the nobility of the nation. For this reason it is often disparaged by the other circles, who assert that it has become a hollow shell choosing members based on pedigree rather than arcane talent… essentially, that its members are more likely to be nobles rather than sages. Members of the Arcane Order must swear to use “Aureon’s Gift” to preserve civilization and in the service of the law. While its diverse membership practice all forms of magic, the schools of evocation, abjuration, and divination have especially strong support in the order.
Though not the first wizard’s circle, this was the first circle to use the term arcane order. The Arcane Order was founded in ancient Daskara by monks devoted to Aureon, but quickly spread into Thaliost. Bound by the belief that magic should be a force for law and order, the circle were staunch supporters of Galifar I. They provided magical support during his conquest and helped enforce order across the united kingdom in the aftermath. They formed the solid foundation of the Arcane Congress and ensured the Congress served crown and kingdom. It’s worth noting that the Princess Aundair was originally a member of the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers—and that Aundair herself was instrumental in convincing the other circles to unite in the Arcane Congress, setting aside the feuds many of the lesser circles had with the Arcane Order. Those feuds continue to this day, but are conducted within the confines of the Congress.
Over the course of centuries, internal rivalries caused the Arcane Order to split along national lines. This resulted in Breland’s Esoteric Order of Aureon and the Erudite Order of eastern Cyre. The Arcane Order remained a force in central Cyre and in Thrane, though its support dropped significantly in Thrane following the depredations of Sarmondelaryx, the Year of Blood and Fire, and the rise of the Silver Flame. Today the Arcane Order maintains a single hall in Thrane, in the city of Sigilstar.
While small, the Gilded Labyrinth is the one truly respected arcane order in Thrane. Its members are more commonly known as Silver Pyromancers, and specialize in incorporating the divine energy of the Silver Flame into arcane spells. This requires a deep devotion to the Flame in addition to arcane knowledge. Mechanically, members of the Gilded Labyrinth might be Divine Soul sorcerers or Celestial warlocks, but their traditions are grounded in arcane science and members must be proficient in Arcana. The Labyrinth is an arm of the Church of the Silver Flame, operating under the broader umbrella of the Order of the Pure; more information can be found on page 152 of the Five Nations sourcebook.
Said to be the first true wizard’s circle in Khorvaire, the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers was founded in ancient Thaliost by Margana Lain. The guild was dedicated to finding ways to replicating the mystical powers of the fey through arcane science. Members specialize in illusion, enchantment, divination, and magic related directly to the fey, and the Guild is an exceptional source of knowledge regarding fey and archfey.
Moonlight isn’t a large circle, in part because of its extremely high standards. However, it is the most widely respected circle in Aundair, in part because Princess Aundair was herself a member of Moonlight and Whispers. While its members are devoted to their nation, they believe that the Arcane Order of Aureon’s obsession with laws and political power undermines the pure pursuit of arcane knowledge. When someone challenges Aureon in the Arcane Congress, it usually takes the support of Moonlight to have a chance to succeed. Breland’s Guild of Starlight and Shadows was founded by members of Moonlight, and the two are generally friendly; while Starlight has less of an interest in the fey, both circles have a common interest in illusion and enchantment. Members of one of these circles will usually be admitted to the halls of the other, though not accorded the privileges of full members.
Mechanically, most members of the circle are wizards, but the guild does accept Archfey warlocks as long as they are proficient in Arcana; the circle is devoted to understanding fey magic, not simply using it.
The Order of the Ethereal Blade was founded in the fifth century (YK) as a duelist’s society, where members of other circles could test their skills and spells in battle with fellow mages. What began as a mystical fight club became the core of the original Knights Arcane, and also pioneered Aundair’s Bladesinger tradition (the Tairnadal, Greensingers, and others have their own forms of this path). Today, the Ethereal Blade focuses on the study and development of war magic, but it remains a dueling society whose members are always ready to prove their mettle in battle. Many of Aundair’s finest warmages are members of the Order, along with officers of the Knights Arcane and Knight Phantoms.
While it began as a wizard’s circle, today the Order of the Ethereal Blade welcomes Eldritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters and others who blend martial and mystical techniques. With that said, it’s still an arcane order. There are other societies that cater purely to duelists and wandslingers, including Fairhaven’s League of ir’Lain and the Darkwood Wands of Passage.
The Unspoken Word is devoted to the pursuit of ultimate arcane power. Members believe that laws and moral concerns should never stand in the way of knowledge. Just as the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers seeks to unlock the mysteries of the fey, the Unspoken Word strives to master the powers of dragons, overlords, and daelkyr. Its members are determined to unravel the secrets of the Du’raskha Tul, the moon-shattering magics of the giants, and more. What has allowed this order to survive when similar groups—such as the Closed Circle of Breland—were destroyed is the absolute insistence that such magic should never be USED: that these words will forever remain unspoken. Unspoken mages insist that fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of progress. But an Unspoken wizard pursuing the moon-breaking magic of the giants will insist that they have no desire to shatter moons; it’s simply that if such powers can be understood, could we use them in positive ways?
Members of the Unspoken Word are often viewed with a trace of fear, and most enjoy this infamy. They like to imply that they have dreadful secrets locked away in their vaults, fell powers they could unleash if they choose to. But again, they continue to exist because they never have caused disasters… and because their members are mages of considerable skill. While most are wizards, they accept Fiend and Great Old One Warlocks, provided they are proficient in Arcana and devoted to the pursuit of arcane science.
Mordain the Fleshweaver is said to have been part of the Unspoken Word before his fall from grace, though other accounts say that he began as a member but ultimately severed ties with the order in part because he believed such knowledge should be USED. However, the order may still have relics from his time as a member, and it’s possible Mordain still sends them little “gifts” — some of which could be very dangerous.
Lesser Orders
The circles mentioned above have considerable prestige and significant resources. They have broad areas of study; while Moonlight may specialize in Illusion and Enchantment, you can still discuss evocation in the hall. But especially in Aundair, there are a host of lesser orders. Most have a narrow focus and more limited resources. Members of the Lodge of the Eternal Flame are acknowledged as some of the most accomplished pyromancers in Khorvaire, but they only accept Evokers and refuse to practice any form of frost-related magic, and they only have a single hall. Here’s a few of these lesser orders.
- Dolurrh’s Gate. Based in Fairhaven in Aundair, this is one of the only respected orders of Necromancers in the Five Nations. Members of the order focus on the positive uses of necromancy, such as the practical value of speak with dead; they’re also experts on undead, studying how to contain and control undead threats.
- The Golden Seal. This order of Abjurers is based in Fairhaven in Aundair. Originally part of the Arcane Order of Aureon, they were split from the main order in 312 YK and charged with maintaining the mystic defenses of the Arcane Congress—and in replicating the abilities of the Mark of Warding. It was wizards of the Golden Seal who first perfected the common glyph of warding spells used in the Five Nations. While small, this is an elite order whose members gained considerable prestige during the Last War.
- The Guild of Endless Doors. Based in the city of Passage in Aundair, this guild of Conjurers catalogs manifest zones that can serve as planar portals, along with the circumstances that can open them. They are determined to unlock the secrets of teleportation, and to make this a part of everyday life. They have often feuded with the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers, and some believe that House Orien has sabotaged their research. It’s worth noting that the Guild of Endless Doors did develop the forms of teleport, teleportation circle, and misty step currently taught at Arcanix; it’s simply that those first two spells are largely useless because of how few people in the Five Nations can actually cast them, and they are working on developing more accessible forms of this magic. However, they are a lesser order and lack the resources of Orien.
- The Keepers of Aureon’s Veil. The Keepers are a semi-monastic order, who maintain the Starpeaks Observatory in the mountains close to the village of Askelios. While reclusive, they are respected for their exceptional work with divination; when a Keeper addresses the arcane congress, people listen. This is an excellent option for a Diviner with the hermit background.
- The Lodge of the Eternal Flame. Located in the city of Thaliost, this order of Evokers specializes in pyromancy. The Lodge is located on a small manifest zone tied to Fernia, and the “Eternal Flame” is a manifestation of that.
- The Children of Siberys. One of the newest circles is based in Arcanix, and is notable in that it doesn’t actually involve wizards. This article discusses “Dragonblood sorcerers”—sorcerers who use the trappings and techniques of arcane magic to focus their gifts. Traditionally these sorcerers have been rare curiosities. Recently Arcanix Provost Iria ir’Rayne posited that there may be considerably more latent Dragonblood sorcerers in the world than we realize, simply waiting for their powers to be recognized and released. Iria founded the Children of Siberys in 989 YK, with the intention of both guiding Dragonblood students and in studying the nature of Dragonblood sorcery. At the moment it’s a small order that lacks resources or influence, but ir’Rayne is fighting to expand the circle. A player character who chooses to be a Dragonblood sorcerer could easily be an important member of the Children, even at low level.
Again, these are just a few of the lesser orders… and these are orders that are active today, not taking into account the many circles that have fallen over time, on their own or through hostile action (like the Closed Circle of Sharn).
Secret Societies
Arcane orders are exclusive, but generally not secret; part of the point of joining an arcane order is the prestige associated with it. While the Unspoken Word walks a dangerous line, it celebrates this and takes pride in its work. However, there are other cabals of mages that aren’t so open. The Court of Shadows is a league of warlocks and wizards inspired by Sul Khatesh. The Mosiac Committee is an Aundairian society that works to obscure the Draconic Prophecy. The College of Whispers is devoted to the Shadow, and counts both bards and wizards among its members. These are just a few examples; there are many more hidden below the surface of society.
What is the relationship between wizard circles and the dragonmarked houses? They come across like smaller, yet non-negligible businesses and start-ups standing under the shadow of much vaster megacorporations.
While Sharn: City of Towers highlights the ability to sell spellcasting services as one of the benefits of an order, this is rendered somewhat obsolete by the current implementation of magewrights and notably isn’t mentioned as a benefit of circle membership in Rising From The Last War. Essentially, while your wizard may know how to cast knock, imagine our world: if you need someone to open your door, are you going to go to the Mason’s hall and ask if someone there can help, or are you just going to go to the professional locksmith who has a store on the corner and is licensed by House Kundarak? And while the orders allow members to create magic items at a lower cost, they don’t have the facilities to produce such items on an industrial scale. It is the case that if you’re looking for a magical service no magewright can provide or a magic item Cannith doesn’t sell, the Esoteric Order of Aureon might be able to help you — but precisely because that would be dealing with services the houses can’t provide, they aren’t direct rivals.
With that said, the circles are responsible for many of the developments that have brought services that were once solely tied to the dragonmarked houses to the public domain. I believe the Guild of Endless Doors has already cracked the basic mystery of teleportation, which is why an Arcanix-trained wizard can learn the teleport spell; it’s simply that as a 5th level spell it’s beyond the ability of any common magewright and hasn’t been able to be incorporated into everyday magic, and they’re still trying to develop a more accessible form of it. Likewise, while the guilds are not run to make a profit, some receive grants from the Arcane Congress while others sell their work to the Arcane Congress; these funds have been invested over centuries and ensure the solvency of the circles.
Would the Aurum count among its number many members of arcane orders?
Yes, it’s quite likely that the Aurum includes a number of influential members of arcane orders. And it may well be that there are Aurum concordians helping to fund the work of the Guild of Endless Doors and other circles that have the potential of undermining dragonmarked monopolies.
When you say the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers has high standards, what form might that take? Do you need to be able to cast second level spells, or have at least a +7 to Arcana, or pass a series of tests (or all of the above)?
Largely this is a plot device. It’s quite reasonable to say that they’d actually require someone to be able to cast a spell of the Third Circle (3rd level) or to hit a repeated set of high Arcana checks in an extended challenge. But if you WANT a PC to be part of an order at 1st level, you could say that an influential member of the circle has sponsored them because “They can see their exceptional promise” or simply as a mysterious favor—no one knows why Syla ir’Lain broke protocols to allow her in, but some say the request was made by the Lady in Shadow herself! The main point is to say that membership is exclusive and that members must be remarkable in some way — it’s not just magewrights and wandslingers.
Can you explain the relationship between the Wizard Circles and the Arcane Congress?
The formal structure of the Arcane Congress would need to be the topic of another article. The circles are part of the foundation of the Arcane Congress and have representatives in the Congress, along with the noble families, but the Congress is a formal institution that directly serves the crown (and is funded by it). The Arcane Order of Aureon was instrumental in building the foundation of the Congress, but the Order and the Congress are two separate entities (though many members of the Order serve in the Congress).
In a sense, the circles serve as research arms of the Congress. If the Guild of Endless Doors unlocks new secrets about teleportation, it will pass those along to the Congress. In some cases circles receive research grants from the Congress, while others operate independently and sell the fruits of their labor to the Congress.
Are there similar organizations for sorcerers and warlocks?
Part of the challenge here is that WE see the world through a mechanical lens. WE see all wizards as wizards, all sorcerers as sorcerers. But the WORLD doesn’t necessarily have such ironclad distinctions. Consider this: Wizards don’t choose their Arcane Tradition until 2nd level. They all start with the same basic foundation. They are all using the same arcane science; even if they debate the merits of Externalism versus Siberyan Theory, two wizards can trade spells. Arcane Tradition is a point where they diverge, but it’s a specialization rather than a completely different path. I may be an Evoker while you’re a Diviner, but we’re still both WIZARDS… And I can still cast divinations, and you can still cast fireballs. We still have a common frame of reference. And that’s part of what wizards circles are for: for wizards to learn from one another, to collaborate on research, and so on.
By contrast, WE see all sorcerers as sorcerers, but in practice they don’t have a lot in common. This is part of why THEY choose their archetype at 1st level: because sorcerers with different origins are extremely different. Consider three sorcerers: a human with red scales and an affinity for flame, who might grow wings if they become powerful enough; a Lyrandar half-elf who channels power through their Mark of Storm; and a kalashtar orphan who intuitively wields divine energies as a Divine Soul sorcerer. What do these three have in common? What can they teach one another? What would cause THEM to think that they should form a club?
Having said that, there are some organizations for sorcerers. The biggest are called “dragonmarked houses.” The previous article on Arcane History touches on “Dragonblood” sorcerers, who DO use the trappings of arcane science to master their abilities, and I’ve given them a lesser order in the list above… But that’s because they’re TRYING to approach their powers from a scientific perspective and learn from them.
Warlocks are in a similar position. They choose their patrons at 1st level, and again, an Archfey warlock devoted to the Forest Queen doesn’t feel some sort of kinship to a Great Old One warlock working for Dyrrn the Corruptor just because they are both arbitrarily classified as “warlocks.” Warlocks with an interest in arcane science can join circles, as described above. Other warlocks generally only ally with warlocks serving the same patron, and often these covens are highly secretive (such as the Court of Shadows). So there are definitely alliances of warlocks, but they are usually driven by allegiance to a common patron, not by a shared scholarly interest in the abstract experience of being a warlock.
Also are there any other circles outside of Aundair, like Cyre and Karrnath?
The question raised was specifically about the circles aligned with the Arcane Congress, so I wasn’t covering other nations; Thrane just snuck in (since admittedly the Gilded Labyrinth isn’t part of the Congress). Breland has the Esoteric Order of Aureon, the Guild of Moonlight and Shadows, and had the Closed Circle. Karrnath doesn’t support wizard’s circles; it focused on martial orders and chivalric societies. With that said, some of those martial orders include warmages and the like; the Order of the Blackened Sky is an example of this. but they are martial orders with a magical aspect, not wizard’s circles.
Would The Unspoken Word be trying to discover the cause of the Mourning? Given that discovering the cause of the Mourning might return the world to war, might the Aurum, the Houses, or peace-loving monarchs be trying to stop them?
In my opinion, there are MANY forces trying to discover the cause of the Mourning. The Unspoken Word, the Arcane Order of Aureon, the Royal Eyes, the King’s Dark Lanterns, Rekkenmark, the Order of the Emerald Claw, the Lord of Blades, the Shadow Cabinet, every branch of House Cannith, and many more. Yes, while we don’t know the cause of the Mourning, there will be peace because we are afraid to return to war. However…
- It is entirely possible that the Mourning was caused by a manufactured weapon or ritual.
- If that’s the case, someone already KNOWS the cause of the Mourning. They could be perfecting the ritual or building an improved, focused version of the weapon.
- If someone does master such a weapon and we know nothing about it, we will have no defense. Whether we intend to build such a weapon ourselves or simply to discover how to protect ourselves from it, we must understand it.
- We cannot take the risk of someone else discovering and mastering this power while we remain in ignorance. Even if every nation agreed not to pursue it, that would leave groups like the Lord of Blades and the Emerald Claw pursuing it, and imagine the horrors we would face if one of them mastered such power?
- For a more idealistic approach, a certain queen might think with the power of the Mourning at my disposal, no nation could stand against me. I would be able to restore a peaceful, unified Galifar without even fighting a war, because who would dare challenge such power?
- Given that: are you so certain that the Unspoken Word wasn’t actually behind the Mourning? If anyone could have produced such a horrific weapon, wouldn’t it be them—most likely working in the direct service of the crown? You can be sure the Voice of Breland has accused them of it…
So first of all, I think the Unspoken Word is one of the top suspects among those who believe the Mourning was a weapon. Within Aundair, I think it’s entirely possible that it’s actually caused their stock to rise, either because people believe they might have caused the Mourning or because people believe they might be the key to mastering its power and coming up with a viable defense against it. The question of which they want is up to you. Do they think the best way to defend Breland is to harness this power as a weapon? Or are they actually true to their stated principles, and are determined that no one should ever USE such a weapon? The answer could determine if they’re a dangerous enemy or a valuable ally for the adventurers…
That’s all for now! Thanks as always to my Patreon supporters for posing the question and making these articles possible.
What is the relationship between wizard circles and the dragonmarked houses? They come across like smaller, yet non-negligible businesses and start-ups standing under the shadow of much vaster megacorporations.
While I see what you’re saying, the wizard circles predate the Korth Edicts, so I’d imagine the relationship (with the older ones) is a lot more like older small institutions getting crowded by “vaster megacorporations” which weren’t megacorporations but were still around when the older institutions first came about
These are most importantly the guys who cracked the dragonmarked magic code and replicated the effects of the marks into known spells, in a lot of cases
These are most importantly the guys who cracked the dragonmarked magic code and replicated the effects of the marks into known spells, in a lot of cases…
This is the key point. The Circles are centers for RESEARCH more than they are actual storefronts. It may have been members of the Arcane Order who created the arcane lock spell used today, when previously it was only a Spell of the Mark. But if you want to buy an arcane lock today you’re still likely to go to a magewright locksmith—not to go to the hall of the Arcane Order and ask if there’s a wizard there who can cast it for you. You’d only go directly to the order for exceptional services you know you can’t get from a standard business.
Who actually funds such recondite research, though?
Who actually funds such recondite research, though?
First and foremost, the members of the circle. Arcane orders charge dues, and beyond that rely on donations from successful members—who as noted, could also be members of the Aurum and drawing funds from there. Furthermore, while the circles don’t strive to be businesses, they may sell the fruits of their labor to those who do. Endless Doors wouldn’t simply HAND their research over to the Arcane Congress; they’d SELL it to the Arcane Congress. And they’ve sold such research before; it’s quite likely that Endless Doors cracked the actual teleport spell a skilled wizard can learn at Arcanix, it’s just that the spell doesn’t exist in a form that makes it useful in everyday magic, because there are so few spellcasters in the Five Nations who can cast such spells… and that’s the work the Guild does now, essentially seeking for a way to create a 3rd level form of teleportation circle.
But the point is that Endless Doors doesn’t have the skill set, resources, or desire to try to set up a nationwide network of for-profit teleportation circles; they are purely interested in the science of teleportation.
Also, would the Aurum count among its number many members of arcane orders, insomuch as arcane orders stand outside of the monopolies of the dragonmarked houses?
The Aurum’s membership is on personal wealth and influence so… maybe? The orders may have members of the Houses in them or members of the Aurum.
Yes, this is quite likely. The Aurum seeks people who have power and who stand outside the houses. Powerful members of the circle do both. And going back to the Guild of Endless Doors: the GUILD might not be interested in starting a teleportation circle network even if they crack the code, but the Aurum would LOVE to start that network and undermine House Orien.
So certainly, you likely have some overlap between ambitious members of the circles and the Aurum.
The idea that the Wizard’s Circles are storefronts for magical services is something that has largely been dropped. It’s mentioned in Sharn: City of Towers, but it’s notably NOT mentioned as a benefit of circle membership in Rising From The Last War, in part because the refined approach to magewrights largely makes it obsolete. S:CoT notes that a wizard in a circle might sell a casting of arcane lock, for example. But in the modern interpretation, a wizard is limited by spell slots, while a magewright locksmith can cast arcane lock as a ritual, potentially creating a dozen arcane locks each day—and on top of that, if a magewright locksmith has the Kundarak seal, that is an assurance to the customer that they maintain Kundarak’s professional standards, an assurance you don’t have if you pay some random wizard. And even in Sharn, you have places like the Mystic Market that would be the first stop—and that, under current rules, would be where you’d find a host of magewrights.
So as of Rising, Arcane Orders are more fraternal orders that provide members with a place to interact and collaborate with their peers. They DO provide a reduction in the cost of creating magic items, but that’s still not going to match the industrial capacity of a Cannith forgehold; it’s more that your wizard can work on their personal projects with greater efficiency. The reason someone would go to a wizard circle instead of a house or magewright is because they are seeking a spell or an item that CAN’T be obtained any other way — a magic item Cannith doesn’t produce, a spell no magewright can cast. But if it’s a service the houses don’t provide, it’s doesn’t pose a threat to the houses.
And as a side note, the article DOES suggest that Orien may be interfering with the work of the Guild of Endless Doors! But the point there is that the Guild isn’t actively selling teleportation services; it’s that they are researching the science of teleportation. If they crack this riddle, they likely wouldn’t try to found a transport empire themselves; they’re a fraternal order with a single hall in Passage. But the Arcane Congress could take that research and use it to create a national network of teleportation circles across Aundair, which would in turn be an issue for Orien… hence the idea that Orien may be acting to disrupt their work.
But do any of these orders know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Ghallanda pop?
Let’s go ask Hruit!
When you say the Guild of Moonlight and Whispers has high standards, what form might that take? Do you need to be able to cast second level spells, or have at least a +7 to Arcana, or pass a series of tests (or all of the above)?
Good question, just added the answer to the main article.
Thank you so much! This is everything and more than what I was hoping for!
What about Karrnath? Any war wizard circles in Rekkenmark, or necromantic orders in Atur?
Spectacular article !!! I have a question: where would you place the bladesingers?
It’s logical to think that within the Five Nations the bladesingers are a tradition that began with the Order of the Ethereal Blade. With that said, the Tairnadal absolutely have a bladesinger tradition and I could see it among the Greensingers as well.
The Order of the Etheral Blade seems like a fit since it “welcomes Eldritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters and others who blend martial and mystical techniques”
If you want to preserve it as a elven only tradition it could be a phiarlan only tradition. Possibly the bladeSONG is a heirloom performance.
Certainly, Phiarlan would be an option — I was going Tairnadal because of the specifically martial aspect, but Phiarlan is a viable option because of the artistic aspects. In attributing it to the Ethereal Blade I was following the Tasha’s approach, which eliminated the elf-only aspect.
Well its been established as Kanon alot of aundairs wizardry is thanks to elves in exile. It could have been that the Tairnardal originally founded the concept, it was then brung over by the exiles to khorvaire and today it can be seen as a more artistic practice by elves and a more duelist practice in the ethereal blade.
Side note: this guild sounds like a good place for whoever invented shadow blade.
Was Dorius ir’Korran part of a circle or order or was his extraplanar studies and deific ambitions a private (later family) endeavour?
The wizards circles are part of the Five Nations, and I think Dorius was pursuing his own agenda in Zilargo. It’s possible he joined the Arcane Order or even that he was involved with an early incarnation of the Closed Circle, but he may have felt that he had no peers.
Was Mordain a member of the unspoken word?
So lyrandar might sabotage airships flying without a mark and orien might sabotage endless doors. Do other houses allegedly sabotage other articifiers/wizards? Such as phiarlan sabotage developments of cameras or see thru disguise self divinations?
Was Mordain a member of the unspoken word?
Yes, I think that he was — and they might have relics or spellbooks of his in their vaults. With that said, I can also imagine him leaving the order before his actual arrest, coming to the conclusion that he had no peers and had no interest in sharing his insights with lesser minds.
Do other houses allegedly sabotage other articifiers/wizards? Such as phiarlan sabotage developments of cameras or see thru disguise self divinations?
Conspiracy theorists certainly allege such things. Part of the question is the degree to which a discoverywould threaten the house and how well publicized it is; it’s not like they could possibly track every independent wizard, but the Guild of Endless Doors is an entire society devoted to developing a thing that would threaten Orien. With that said, it’s worth noting that Orien is accused of interfering with the guild, but they haven’t DESTROYED it. The Arcane Congress is a powerful force in Aundair, and even if the houses don’t LIKE what they are doing, they can’t completely halt arcane progress.
So, to be clear, the Guild of Endless Doors would be a competitor to House Orien’s First Step program?
That is correct. Though as noted in other comments, the Guild is interested in the pursuit of pure science, while First Step is entirely driven by the potential of profit. The mages of Endless Doors want to unravel the mystery; if they do they’d pass it to the Arcane Congress to industrialize, not try to make a business of it on their own.
While The Order of the Ethereal Blade is called out as a Dueling Society and made up of War Wizards, Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters, would you say Wandslingers would strive to be part of this order?
In my Eberron, Wandlsinger Dueling is a quickly rising sporting event that the Aurum is backing, especially in Aundair due to Queen Aurala’s ban on sword duels. Even though it is The Order of the Ethereal Blade, would those who predominantly use a wand still be admitted, or would it be the case that a particularly good PC could be the one to break the mold?
The Ethereal Blade BEGAN as a dueling society, and specifically a dueling society OF WIZARDS. It became an independent order that helped to explore the blending of the martial and magical arts, and that has pioneered things like the Knights Arcane and the bladesinger tradition. So they aren’t just looking for someone who’s quick on the draw; they’re looking for people who appreciate the art behind it. Which is to say that they COULD admit a wandslinger, but they’d have to be more than JUST a wandslinger. There are plenty of Knights Arcane who AREN’T in the Ethereal Blade, and plenty of wandslingers who aren’t even Knights Arcane; being invited to join the order is an honor and something that gives you status.
With that said, with the proliferation of wandslingers, there are also surely arcane dueling societies that are not wizard circles. I’d expect a wandslinger form of the NRA is in development, if it doesn’t exist already. So you could be a member of Fairhaven’s League of ir’Lain or part of Passage’s Darkwood Wands; it’s just that most members of these group AREN’T actually wizards and aren’t trying to advance arcane science; they are only interested in dueling and honing their personal skills as wandslingers.
Thank you!
Where do bards fit into arcane orders? They are not quite externally-infused magicians like sorcerers and warlocks, but they are not Intelligence-based, either.
Are there any arcane orders specifically dedicated to certain schools of thought on arcane magic, such as externalist or sympathist magic?
What stake do Khorvairian arcane orders have in, say, exploring Xen’drik or learning from Aereni elves?
Where do bards fit into arcane orders? They are not quite externally-infused magicians like sorcerers and warlocks, but they are not Intelligence-based, either.
Bards vary dramatically because the mechanics of the class are open to a lot of different interpretations, something I discuss in this article.
As you note, bards are Charisma based casters, and have their own organizations like the Circle of Song. But a Lore bard who has Expertise with Arcana and who presents their character as an arcane dabbler (as opposed to drawing magic from the “Song of Creation”) could find a place in a wizard’s circle.
Are there any arcane orders specifically dedicated to certain schools of thought on arcane magic, such as externalist or sympathist magic?
Sure! The Lodge of the Eternal Flame is definitely an externalist circle. While I didn’t name one, it makes sense that there could be a sympathist circle — though I’d definitely expect it to be one of the lesser orders.
What stake do Khorvairian arcane orders have in, say, exploring Xen’drik or learning from Aereni elves?
They’re surely interested in both, but keep in mind that the Aereni have no interest in sharing their secrets and that recovering information from Xen’drik is dangerous — and that these orders don’t have the resources or numbers of a dragonmarked house. But they might support promising expeditions, certainly — which is the sort of thing that could make them patrons for adventurers.
Regarding the Order of the Ethereal Blade being a duelist’s order in Aundair, how does that play against the ban on dueling in Aundair now?
Is there a region/culture where you would place a circle that is more focused on entertainment & self-expression? I’d imagine outsiders may spread those sorts of rumors about any of them; but where would you put the, ‘Animal House’ (Vadalis pun optional) of magical groups? The kind of group of where the first/only thing people know about them is their implausible explanation for the embarrassing thing one of their wild magic sorcerers did to the shrimp cocktail at the last Tain Gala.
Frankly, this sounds like something that would be established at Morgrave University and pointed to by Arcanix as proof of Morgrave’s slipshod curriculum. But One could put it in Aundair as a circle said to have been founded by Fortune’s Fool or devoted to Olladra; call it “The Path to Folly.”
These are all very fun. Is it normally possible for a wizard to be part of more than one circle? Such as an Abjurer belonging to both The Golden Seal and The Order of the Ethereal Blade? It seems like the areas of focus are different enough that neither would interfere with the other.
The Ethereal Blade in particular was established by members of multiple different circles, as a sort of intramural league — and I expect that continues today. I think membership in multiple circles is uncommon — some do have rivalries — but definitely not unheard of.
Can you explain the relationship between the Wizard Circles and the Arcane Congress or maybe the structure of the Arcane Congress? I’m just confused as to whether the Circles are independent of the Arcane Congress and the Congress is its own body or if the Arcane Congress is the collection of Wizard Circles that have banded together (basically what the twelve is for the houses, minus the arcane development for profit).
Also are there any other circles outside of Aundair, like Cyre and Karrnath?
I’ve added answers to these to the end of the article.
Would their possible be Circles made up of mostly Warlocks or Sorcerers, something like witches covens?
This is discussed in the previous article on Arcane History. Wizards and artificers are united by the underlying principles of arcane science. Sorcerers and warlorcks don’t have a similar common bond. Two sorcerers may both be classified as “sorcerers” under the rules, but if they draw their power from different sources and aren’t proficient with Arcana, they may not SEE themselves as having anything in common with each other; the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer with scales doesn’t FEEL like they have much in common with the Divine Soul sorcerer, and unlike wizards, they can’t actually TEACH one another anything.
Likewise, traditional warlocks are divided based on their patrons. Two archfey warlocks might get along, but an Archfey warlock tied to the Forest Queen likely will want nothing to do with a Great Old One warlock tied to Dyrrn the Corruptor. Warlocks associated with the SAME patron may well form societies, which is effectively the traditional coven; one example of a particular widespread form of this is the Court of Shadows, the alliance of warlocks bound to Sul Khatesh. But the difference is that wizard circles are entirely public orders anyone can apply to; they may not ACCEPT you, but they aren’t hiding from you either. The Court of Shadows is a secret society you’re bound to when you’re recruited by Sul Khatesh; if you’re not IN it, you’ll never have heard of it. And if you’re a warlock bound to a different patron, they don’t want anything to do with you.
On the Aurum topic, do the likes of Antus ir’Soldorak and Alina Lorridan Lyrris have any memberships in arcane orders?
By the ECS description, Antus has no arcane talent. The Chains of Gold article notes that he COULD have some hidden sorcery or psionic talent, but a key word there is “hidden”; if he has a talent he’s not revealing it.
It would make sense for Alina to be in the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. She spends much of her time in Sharn and she’s described as being skilled with both illusion and transmutation, and illusion is one of the specialties of the Guild.
A “circle” of magic users brings to mind a large group of casters coming together for rituals. Do any circles specialize in group incantations (multiple casters working together, generally with a long casting time, to produce a single effect)?
It’s entirely possible. I discussed the possibility of such rituals in the Arcane Arts article, and it makes sense to me that things like major war rituals might involve multiple casters. But as we currently don’t have rules for such rituals, it’s not something I’ve prioritized in lore.
Would House Tarkanan technically be considered an arcane order, with its signature field of study being aberrant dragonmarks?
Do any arcane orders study aberrant dragonmarks?
Would House Tarkanan technically be considered an arcane order, with its signature field of study being aberrant dragonmarks?
Not really. The point of the arcane orders is that all members are supposed to be interested in the pursuit of arcane science; looking to the Ethereal Blade, while its members duel, you can’t join it just because you’re a good duelist; you have to be interested in the advancement of the mystical and martial arts. House Tarkanan teaches members to hone their skills, but it doesn’t urge them to study the science behind arcane dragonmarks, and most of its members have no interest in HOW their abilities work. It’s an organization founded to help people with marks to understand and hone their powers—not to understand the fundamental nature of those powers.
To the second question, I’m certain that the Unspoken Word has worked to try and unlock the secrets of aberrant marks and to find ways to replicate their abilities. It’s possible others have as well, but the Unspoken Word and Closed Circle are both noted for studying Khyberian effects.
That raises the question: Are there organizations of sorcerers and what are they called (Brotherhood?)?
I’ve added a discussion of this to the end of the article, and also added a circle that is comprised of sorcerers — the Children of Siberys — to the list of lesser orders.
Given what you’ve put forward about the Unspoken Word, is it possible for them to potentially act as an antagonistic force? Or, say, have been subjected to corruption from within.
How could you see them being used potentially in a campaign?
Absolutely. Given that it’s one of the major orders, which means it has halls in multiple cities, you could decide that a specific chapter of the order has been corrupted while others truly do want to use the knowledge they seek for the greater good, or you could push the entire order one way or the other. The Unspoken Word could be a valuable ally that has gathered resources adventurers can’t acquire anywhere else, or they could be fools who are constantly seeking dangerous powers they can’t understand or control. Want to unleash a curse from the Age of Demons on Fairhaven? It doesn’t have to be that the Unspoken Word INTENTIONALLY did it, they could have just broken the seals on the ancient structure below the city because they were sure they could handle it safely.
On the other hand, I could also see them being an edgy, interesting patron for a group of adventurers that WANTS to live on the edge, poking into the places where others fear to tread… and it could be that they CAN harness those powers for noble purposes. So it’s up to the DM to decide: Are they absolute villains, overconfident fools who set horrors in motion, or noble allies who refuse to be bound by superstition?
Speaking of the Unspoken Word (no pun intended), given their general goals, is it likely that they are trying to uncover the cause of the Mourning? One difference I an see between that goal and their other dangerous pursuits is that one could seek to learn how to desttroy a moon, with no intention of ever using it. But discovering the secret of the Mourning is dangerous in and of itself, since if the Moruning is no longer a secret, the Next War might erupt. Might the Houses or the Aurum (who have vested interests in stability) have warned them away from such research, or be sabotaging it (say, hiring PCs to thwart suspected Mourning research?) I would imagine that the more peace-loving monarchs would be against it, too, though maybe not all.
I’ve just added my answer to the end of the article. In short, I think MANY people are searching for the answer to the Mourning. Yes, the world would be safer if people left it alone… but what happens if one of our enemies masters this power? The only way we can be safe is if we control it ourselves!
Oh man, now I want to run the Unspoken Word as the Umbrella Corporation of Khorvaire. They uncover a lost tomb complex from the Age of Demons under the small town of Ferret City…
That would definitely work!
hmm. I wonder if it would be prudent to come up with Wizard Circles of our own.
That’s the power of imagination!
It certainly is.
Question on The Keepers of Aureon’s Veil. Are they the residents of the Starpeaks Observatory? If so did the order exist before King Daroon, possibly the king being a member of the order? Or was the order formed after the king, in the legacy of his work?
Would the Observatory have a arcane telescope, possibly eldritch machine?
And is predicting the fall of a siberys shard something they have managed to accomplish?
Question on The Keepers of Aureon’s Veil. Are they the residents of the Starpeaks Observatory? If so did the order exist before King Daroon, possibly the king being a member of the order? Or was the order formed after the king, in the legacy of his work?
Yes, I’ll clarify that in the article. The order predates the observatory, and Daroon was either a full member or simple relied on the order for counsel; we know “Daroon became fascinated with the practice of charting the moons and stars, especially with the idea that these charts could provide signs and portents for the future.” So the observatory was an expansion of the existing order, but the Veil maintains it. This is an example of a case where they receive grants from the Congress to maintain it and to share their findings with the Congress.
Would the Observatory have an arcane telescope, possibly eldritch machine?
The observatory HAS an eldritch machine: an orrery that tracks the motion of the moons and planes. While they certainly have telescopes, overall they are less interested in getting a CLOSE LOOK and more concerned with tracking the MOVEMENTS of celestial bodies.
And is predicting the fall of a siberys shard something they have managed to accomplish?
Has a significant Siberys shard fallen in Khorvaire in the last few centuries in your campaign? If so, I’d expected that the Observatory would have predicted it. As it stands, I don’t recall that we’ve discussed a significant shardfall in Khorvaire in canon; the main major event is the Heart of Siberys, which happened thousands of years ago. But certainly, if there IS a significant shardfall, that’s the sort of thing they’d work to predict.
Awesome thank you Keith! Armageddon plot is possible with the elements of the space race ( http://keith-baker.com/dm-stars/ ) turned to deal with a shardfall spotted by the veil.
In that vein, Aundairs “The Dragonhawk Initiative” would that be a union of The Guild of Endless Doors and The Keepers of Aureon’s Veil. Alongside Orien and Cannith West?
Is the Arcane Order of Aureon active in Thaliost still, and if so are there clashes with the Gilded Labyrinth?
The Arcane Order of Aureon is active still in Thaliost, certainly, but I don’t know that there’s been CLASHES. One of the defining features of the order is that they follow the law. Thaliost is legally territory of Thrane, and while they might not LIKE it, I’d expect members of the Arcane Order to accept that and potentially help the Thranes maintain order.
Where I’d expect clashes is with the Lodge of the Eternal Flame, which is also in Thaliost and which has no such love of the law. So certainly, you could have clashes between Silver Pyromancers, the wielders of the Eternal Flame, and zealous servants of the Pure Flame.
Not counting the Ethereal Blades, which you describe as originally a dueling society for wiards, are some of the arcane orders more oritented toward, or welcoming to, artificers than others? Or are artificers regarded as the peers of wizards in all the prominent arcane societies?
Generally artificers are regarded as peers. Both wizards and artificers are working with the same principles of arcane science, they’re just focusing their studies in different ways. And keep in mind that Arcane orders have many members who don’t fall cleaning into a PC class — people with greater capabilities than a magewright, but without the full powers of an artificer or wizard. So it’s not quite a strict either you prepare spells in this exact way or I want nothing to do with you situation.
Then, how about sidekick spellcasters from Tasha’s Cauldron?
Are they suitable to be part of arcane orders?
If so, sidekick spallcasters can be considered as typical NPC order members whose capabilities are limited than wizards and artificers?
What are the odds of a rogue Dragon being a patron to or secretly RUNNING a Wizard Circle? What could this be for?
It’s entirely possible. It wouldn’t even have to be a rogue dragon; there could definitely be an arcane order that is secretly being run by the Chamber. At the very least I expect that the Order of Aureon’s Veil is WATCHED by the Lords of Dust and the Chamber, just in case they stumble on anything interesting.
I love the Silver Pyromancers reference, thank you! Indeed, many elements from prior editions can be incorporated in 5e Eberron in terms of reskinning, in my opinion (what are your thoughts on the Exorcists of the Silver Flame from 3.5 in 5e?). Thanks so much as always for writing this
Pre-Last War were there any pan-Galifar circles/alliances of circles that died with Galifar, or were the the Five Nations already separate enough culturally to make such a thing unlikely?
This article is relevant here: http://keith-baker.com/ifaq-1-or-5/
The Five Nations were always culturally distinct, even when united in Galifar. The Arcane Congress was the jewel of Aundair, and Aundair always had the strongest interest and investment in arcane science. The Arcane Order of Aureon was widespread (though it later split to form the Esoteric Order of Breland and the Erudite Order of Eastern Cyre). Looking to others, many of the lesser orders described here are only tied to a single city; the others are largely based on Aundairian traditions, and few were driven to expand into other nations. Cyre was another nation with its own traditions of wizardry, and it had its own local circles beyond the Arcane and Erudite Orders, but I haven’t developed those; given Cyran history, I’d expect at least one circle specifically focused on the artistic and aesthetic applications of arcane science.
Dear Keith, I’ve been wondering if in addition to Divine Soul sorcerers and Celestial warlocks, one could not add the following two character options as Silver Pyromancers: Wizards who take the Magic Initiate feat and choose the Cleric class -I know that it’s only about cantrips, but may reflect fully-learned wizards who are devout and channel some divine magic; multiclassed wizards who take on paladin or wizard level(s); and clerics with the arcana domain. I think that the idea of a wizard circle is more reflected in such options given the more intensive academic training they might have from a lore perspective (reskinning aside). On the other hand, this allows us Thranes to defend ourselves from the Lodge of the Eternal Flame and curb/stop Pure Flame abuses in Thaliost 😉
Sure, that seems reasonable. I could also imagine a full-fledged Silver Pyromancer wizard archetype, or perhaps a feat enabling a caster to imbue fire spells with radiant damage.
Even outside of the Aurum, are there non-dragonmarked nobles or other entrepreneurs investing in the arcane orders? Why back one of those, rather than the dragonmarked houses?
Not everyone is going to support the Dragonmarked Houses, even beyond the Aurum. A noble may want to back an Order specifically to see magic in the hands of the everyman instead of the dragonmarked elite, or they might back Orders in addition to a House to reap more rewards from their investments.
The Dragonmarked Houses may have the monopoly on many arcane industries, but there are always other options and avenues to pursue. A minor member of the ir’Lain family might back an Order simply out of familial tradition or in repayment of an Order furthering their noble station.
A minor member of the ir’Lain family might back an Order simply out of familial tradition or in repayment of an Order furthering their noble station.
This is the key point. Again, the orders aren’t businesses; they’re fraternities. Membership in an order carries social weight, and is important to families whose members have been in an order for generations. Why do people donate money to colleges and fraternities? Not usually because they expect to make a profit on their investment, but because they are honoring tradition, acknowledging how the organization helped them succeed, and ensuring that it will continue into the future.
Are their wizarding circles among aerenal elves and dragons for example or is it unique to khorvaire
Both Aerenal and Argonnessen have organizations where students of the arcane arts work together. I don’t think either would have exactly the same flavor as an Aundairian wizard circle; they’d reflect their respective cultures.
Would the Starhaunt (in now Valenar) be a Cyran branch or rival of The Keepers of Aureon’s Veil (given the name of the ruin, it sounds like it was a observatory once)
Is there a Circle that deals with magebreeding, be it to produce sorcery/aasimars or magebreed animals like vadalis or transmutations like Spider Climb or the permanent Alter Self to change appearance.
Why is the Guild of Endless Doors based in Passage specifically? Does Passage have a manifest zone?
So, a somewhat tangentially related question, but how do you see familiars as being portrayed in the Eberron setting? Does it differ to the traditional Forgotten Realms interpretation, or? What role do you see them playing with wizards or other arcane casters?
What’s the traditional Forgotten Realms interpretation of familiars? This may be an IFAQ topic, because I think my answer will be fairly long; in part, it’s going to vary by culture and tradition.
Perhaps what is being referred to is the older way familiars worked, being able to make a creature into a familiar/being gone permanently upon death opposed to being able to be resummoned. It does sound like a good IFAQ question, I’d be interested in hearing the answer too.
I should have been more coherent in my question. My apologises!
The spell, as written, lets you conjure a familiar of one of the chosen animal forms, but instead of being a beast, it’s classified as being either a celestial, fey, or fiend. This is what I would class as the “traditional interpretation.”
My curiosity was as to whether this holds true for the spell in the Eberron setting? Do you see the spell as functioning differently? Perhaps with a wider selection of animals, or types (beyond the celestial, fey, or fiend), etc. What role do you see familiars taking with wizards in Eberron?
Hopefully that’s a more coherent thought on my part! I would love to see this as an IFAQ! Especially if there would be cultural and traditional differences!
I have a player who wants to follow the Arcana Domain and the natural choice is Aureon. How are clerics regarded in these Arcane orders — specifically Clerics of Aureon meeting wizards from “The Esoteric Order of Aureon” or generally the Arcane Order of Aureon? Would the Cleric gain access to their notes and resources in Dura? Is there any respect? Do you think that respect may not be a given but is expected? I’m aware it’s all my choice but I’ve been having a hard time planning this out.
How are clerics regarded in these Arcane orders — specifically Clerics of Aureon meeting wizards from “The Esoteric Order of Aureon” or generally the Arcane Order of Aureon?
So there’s a few different things to keep in mind here. First of all, most priests aren’t clerics and don’t cast ANY spells. The role of a priest of Aureon isn’t to PERFORM arcane magic, it’s to serve as an intermediary to Aureon, who gave that knowledge to mortals and who guides all wizards. While there are wizards who deny the existence of the Sovereigns, there are MORE who are faithful vassals and who believe that it’s Aureon who guides them in understanding arcane science. So a vassal wizard will go to a Sovereign priest to ask for Aureon’s blessing on their latest arcane project, or just to seek spiritual guidance. The fact that the priest ISN’T A WIZARD is irrelevant; and if they can cast divine magic, that’s a wondrous gift, not something to be sneered at because it’s not wizardry. Again, being a wizard isn’t their JOB; their job is to be an intermediary of Aureon, the deity who GUIDES wizards. It’s likely that a typical priest of Aureon wouldn’t be a MEMBER of a wizard circle, but they might well be invited to major circle events to perform Aureon’s blessing.
Second: Consider that one of the common aspects of the Vassal faith is the belief that someone who’s really good at a thing might be blessed by that Sovereign. So if a vassal wizard is REALLY GOOD at wizardry, they and others might believe that they’re guided by Aureon — and other vassals might as THEM for Aureon’s blessing. So a wizard with Religion proficiency or especially a wizard with the Adept background can play THAT role — the devout arcane scientist who thanks Aureon for their gift.
Third: Looking specifically to your situation, the Arcana cleric is proficient with Arcana and can cast a number of Wizard cantrips. Proficiency with Arcana means that they UNDERSTAND ARCANE SCIENCE. The fact that they don’t perform arcane magic is, again, no shame, because it’s not their job. Their job is to be an intermediary to Aureon, and the fact that they can perform divine magic means they’re ESPECIALLY GOOD AT THAT.
The Esoteric Order of Aureon believes it is blessed by Aureon; it was founded by devout vassals. A priest of Aureon might not be invited to be a member unless they can actually cast arcane spells, but they would be RESPECTED as a servant of the circle’s patron. They might not be invited to see their secret notes—I’m sorry, father, but such things are limited to our members—but they would still be treated with respect. And it’s POSSIBLE that if they are truly devoted to arcane science that they WOULD be allowed to join as a member, participating based solely on their knowledge of Arcane rather than their spellcasting ability.
I’ve seen some discussions online about a Bladesinger using the double-bladed scimitar with the Revenant Blade feat. The Bladesong feature seem to preclude it because it’s two-handed, but I think it makes sense thematically that a Tairnadal Bladesinger would use it.
Was the inability to use bladesong with the double-bladed scimitar by design, or something that just wasn’t considered? When you’re talking about the Tairnadal traditions regarding Bladesinging, could that include the double-bladed scimitar?
It definitely wasn’t remotely intentional. The Bladesinger archetype has no ties to Eberron and certainly wasn’t designed with Eberron in mind, so the fact that it excludes the Tairnadal is coincidental, not intentional.
PERSONALLY: I think that using a double-bladed scimitar is more like using two one handed weapons than using a two handed weapon. The DBS isn’t a heavy weapon, and it allows multiple attacks with a small damage die as opposed to the high damage of traditional two handed weapons. So AS A DM, I would allow a bladesinger to use a double scimitar. But the key point there is AS A DM. The RULES AS WRITTEN clearly don’t allow it. *I* look at that and say “The rules weren’t written with this specific example in mind and it should be possible.” But another DM may not want to make any exceptions to the rules, and might rightfully say “If the original designer meant to allow such things, why didn’t they allow it to be used, with, say, a quarterstaff?” I’d allow it because I don’t see the harm in it and it fits the flavor of the Tairnadal. But that’s mean as a DM CHOOSING to override the rules as written; while as written the rules clearly forbid it.