If you’re interested in Eberron, Phoenix: Dawn Command, or my opinions on random TV shows, here’s a few things you might want to watch or listen to.
For around the last twenty years, I’ve had a weekly phone call with friend and fellow game designer Andrew Looney. Sometimes we talk about game design or our latest projects; other times we talk about the shows we’re watching or stories we’re reading. We call this The Download, and in 2015 Andy suggested we make it a podcast. I’m not sure if it’s interesting for anyone but us, but if you’re curious what two game designers talk about, check it out.
But that’s not my only podcast. If you’re interested in the Eberron Campaign Setting you should definitely check out Manifest Zone. This is a podcast about Eberron, and each month Kristian Serrano, Wayne Chang, Scott W and I will be discussing a particular aspect of the setting and how it’s relevant to both players and gamemasters.
And as long as I’m talking about podcasts, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Going Last podcast, where I’ve been an occasional guest and co-host.
If visuals are more your thing, I wanted to draw attention to Maze Arcana and Saving Throw, two livestreams tied to RPGs I love. Maze Arcana is a D&D 5E livestream featuring the fabulous Satine Phoenix, GM Ruty Rutenberg, and others. I’ve worked with Satine for the years on the ChariD20 charity RPG events, and I’ve enjoyed consulting with her and Ruty on the story behind Maze Arcana. Meanwhile, Saving Throw is the only place where you can see Phoenix: Dawn Command in action – including a session run by me in season one! Honorable mention here goes to RoleOut, an Eberron livestream from Oz Mills.
Last but not least, if you’re in the Memphis area I’m the gaming guest of honor at MidSouthCon this weekend, and it’s a chance to play or discuss Eberron, Phoenix: Dawn Command, Illimat and more. I hope to see some of you there!
Mr. Baker–
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed both your panel and visiting with you at the Kaffeeklasch at MidSouthCon this past weekend. Thanks!
Neale Carter
Little Rock, AR
Thanks, Neale! I had a great time at MSC.
Do you have plans on ever selling: Phoenix: Dawn Command, through Amazon?
If you do, please have it ‘shipped’ and ‘sold’, by Amazon.
(The only way items are guaranteed to arrive, ‘problem free’ in the country I live.)
US Amazon is fine, but has to be set up for international. 🙂
The family is interested in this game.
Do you have plans on ever selling: Phoenix: Dawn Command, through Amazon?
We’re working on it right now. I’ll make an announcement when there’s news!