Atlas Games and I have really enjoyed TableTop and the focus it’s brought to games we love. We had this crazy idea for a mini-expansion… and as it turned out, it coincided perfectly with International TableTop Day! TableTop Gloom is a mini-expansion that adds nine cards to your deck. This includes two new Guests – Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day – and two Stories. I’m especially excited about this; I developed Stories for Cthulhu Gloom, and at the moment there aren’t any Stories designed for the classic game. Now there are two! I’m working on a video with a few special guests to show how Guests and Stories work, so look for that in the future!
To be clear, TableTop Gloom is not for sale. Limited quantities will be available at locations that are taking part in International TableTop Day, and it’s going to be up to the event runners to decide how to distribute them. So if you want a set, check the event locator at the TableTop Day site and find an event near you! For my part, I will be celebrating TableTop Day with a few hands of Gloom at Rainy Day Games; I’m planning to be there between 2 PM – 4 PM. I hope to see you there!