GenCon, ProgCore, and more!

Hi Everyone! I’m hard at work getting ready for GenCon, and for those you going, I wanted to let you know where you can find me!

First of all, when I’m not running around like a cockatrice with my head cut off, I’ll be hanging out at the Twogether Studios booth—Booth 1459 in the Exhibitor’s Hall! Drop by if you want anything signed or if you have a burning question about Eberron or anything else I’ve worked on! And while you’re at it, check out our amazing games! Meanwhile, I’ll be at the following events…

Thursday, 3 PM – 4 PM: Eberron: A 20 Year Retrospective

Reflect on the past and future of Eberron at this panel with me, Christopher Perkins, and Jeremy Crawford! Only a few tickets left for this! As as soon as it’s done, I’ll be racing to…

Thursday, 4 PM – 6 PM: D&D Live! Legacy of Worlds in Eberron with DM Keith Baker

An archmage from Toril, an artificer from Eberron, and an elf prince from Grayhawk walk into a bar… you’d think one of them would have seen it. Legacy of Worlds is a live play series featuring me as Merrix d’Cannith, Ed Greenwood as Elminster of Shadowdale, Luke Gygax as Melf, Elisa Teague as Elise Zaruvan, and Tommy Gofton as Loholt Lynnvander—an unlikely What If style team-up! This session is the first time *I* have DM’d a Legacy game, and I am going to take the party on a wild ride in Eberron. And I’m 90% certain that attendees will get a free metal d20 from Foam Brain Games! I hope you can join in! There’s also VIP seats here!

Friday, 10 AM – Noon: D&D Live! Legacy of Worlds

Legacy of Worlds continues! I’ll be playing Merrix and continuing in our question to recover the Deck of Many Things and save the Multiverse. What could possibly go wrong?

Friday, 1 PM – 3 PM: D&D Live! Imarian Nights

Dungeon Master Tommy Gofton takes us on a musical adventure through the world of Imaria!

Friday, 6 PM – 8 PM: The Multiversal Roast of Mordenkainen

Do you remember that time when Merrix and Mordenkainen brought the 13th moon of Eberron back, only to have King Boranel break it again? This charity event uses the framework of the Baron Munchausen RPG, but features a group of multiversal luminaries reminiscing about their adventures with the late, great Mordenkainen! Hijinx will surely ensue!

Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM: D&D Live! Legacy of Worlds

The adventure continues! Where will we go next? Will Merrix break Dark Sun? It wouldn’t be the first time…

Sunday, 2 PM – 4 PM: Design a Module Live: The Playthrough

Over the course of the convention, the Six Sides of Gaming team are running a series of Design a Module events in which YOU can help create a unique adventure. On Sunday, I will have to face that adventure, along with Ed Greenwood, Luke Gygax, Elisa Teague and Tommy Gofton!

So, there’s going to be a lot of opportunities to hang out and roll some dice. I hope to see you at some or all of these events, but ESPECIALLY my game on Thursday at 4, because I’ve never had the chance to DM an Eberron adventure for Elminster, and I have PLANS…

Meanwhile, I have a lot of friends and colleagues who have crowdfunding campaigns going on at the moment, and I want to draw your attention to them!


ProgCore Fantasy is an ambitious multimedia project that seeks to capture the flavor of the dark fantasy of the ’70s and ’80s—drawing on movies like Labyrinth and Legend, musicians like King Crimson and Rush, artists like Erol Otis and Alicia Austin, and far, far more. The project includes:

  • universal sourcebook for any fantasy TTRPG system that is full of tips, advice, and universal house rules, all designed to help Players and GMs heighten the Wonder Mystery and Danger of their gaming sessions. The sourcebook also contains a gameworld designed for ProgCore Fantasy, Theer, described through short stories, adventure hooks, creatures, and magic.
  • documentary actual play that immerses you in play with our friends: Todd Stashwick, Felicia Day, Marc Bernardin, Yuri Lowenthal, Dr. Drea Letamendi, and Anjali Bhimani, with David Nett GMing.
  • Prog Rock soundtrack, produced by Jason Charles Miller, with original Prog Rock songs and ambient music.
  • An animated short, telling a dark fantasy story from the Dark Age of Theer, animated by the best in the business and voiced by top voice artsists.

ProgCore has only two days left! Help bring this amazing vision to life!


Want a mini that you can wear? Foam Brain is producing a series of Piniatures—enamel pins that can also be used as pins, each with its own unique metal die and encounter card! This is a random series of loot bags, but whatever you get is sure to be adorable.


As described by project creator KP11 Studios: Project Dastan is an initiative to uplift diverse voices across cultures and diaspora by providing a platform to tell their stories through various geek/nerd culture content. Our goal is to show the creative and storytelling prowess of people from around the world, from various backgrounds, cultures, etc! Dastan means “story” in Urdu and Hindi, and we are here to help tell your stories! On top of that, we hope to use this momentum to help create the very first, high-production value Indian TTRPG actual play, using studios IN India, as well as local talents and crew. We want to tell an authentic story, while also showing the world that there is so much that the non-western world has to offer!

I hope you’ll take a moment to check out these awesome projects, and I hope to see you at GenCon!

GenCon 2019 Plans

GenCon 2019 is almost upon us! I only have one event scheduled: a seminar called Exploring Eberron, 1 PM Friday, where all be talking about all things Eberron… from how it began to what I’m working on now.

Beyond that, I’ll be spending most of my time in the Exhibition Hall, with my company Twogether Studios. I’ll be giving demos of Illimat and Action Cats, and talking about Phoenix: Dawn Command and the other projects we have in the wings.

If you have a little time, drop by and say hello. If you have a LOT of time, I’m still looking for a few good people to help me staff the booth and demo games. I’m looking for a few people who have an hour or two to spare, who can help our core team with lunch breaks. But I’m also looking for one or two people who have more time and would be interesting in working at the booth for four or more hours. Help for an hour and you could get a free game or a Rusalka promo card; a longer shift would involve more significant compensation. Demo staff need to know how to play Illimat. 

If you or someone you know is interested in helping me out at GenCon, contact me through this website!

GenCon 2018

I’m getting ready for GenCon, and I hope I’ll see some of you there. Here’s what I’m up to.


I’ll be at Booth 2667 for much of the convention. This is where my company, Twogether Studios, will be demonstrating our game Illimat. This is a neo-classic card game we created in conjunction with the band The Decemberists; it’s familiar and mysterious at the same time. And if you’re an Eberron player, you can check out this article about using Illimat in Eberron! We’ll be doing demos all weekend, but we also have a special promotion. Each day, the first 25 people to purchase an Illimat product receive a copy of the limited edition Rusalka Luminary, pictured above! This is ONLY at Booth 2667. We’ll also be demoing my game Action Cats at Booth 1552, and you can buy either game at either location, but you can only get the Rusalka at Booth 2667.


There’s two Eberron events on the GenCon Schedule.

Exploring Eberron with Keith Baker (Friday, 11 AM – Noon; Lucas Oil Mtg Rm 4)

The D&D setting of Eberron is a world of magic, pulp adventure, and noir intrigue. It’s been fifteen years since the Fantasy Setting Search that produced Eberron: join setting creator Keith Baker for a discussion of how Eberron came to be and how the world has evolved over the years! 

Inkwell Society Live! (Friday, 9 PM – 11 PM; Westin Grand Blrm I & II)

Within the seedy underbelly of Eberron metropolis, Sharn, the Inkwell Society follows the path of broken, beleaguered level zeroes who would kill for a little class, but when their rise collides with the Dream Lily cartels, they find the streets they roam are anything but home. Don’t miss DM Ruty Rutenberg unfold the next installment of the Inkwell Society LIVE at Gen Con 2018!

Both of these events have limited space, so if you’re interested, get your tickets now!


I’ll be doing a single signing session: Thursday from 3 PM4 PM at Booth 2667. 


I’m participating in the GenCon Writer’s Symposium this year. It’s a great program, and I’m doing four different session.

  • Convincing Aliens (Thursday, 11 AM – Noon; Marriott – Atlanta Room)
  • Finding Inspiration (Thursday, 4 PM – 5 PM; Marriott – Ballroom 1)
  • Dealing With Imposter Syndrome (Friday, 10 AM – 11 AM; Marriott – Atlanta Room)
  • When Fantasy Jumps The Shark (Friday, 3 PM – 4 PM; Marritott – Austin Room)

Most of these are already sold out, but there’s always the chance that there will be empty seats!

Whether we play a hand of Illimat or talk about Eberron, I hope to see you at GenCon!

GenCon 2017 & Cassette Tape Challenge!

I’m currently in an ’84 Vanagon heading across North Dakota on my way to GenCon! I’ll be on the road for the next six weeks, visiting conventions and game cafes and demoing my latest games! I’m posting my Gen Con schedule below and I’ll let you know about my upcoming stops soon, but I do have a challenge for anyone going to GenCon. This old van I’m in has one way to play music: an old tape player. But as I live in the twenty-first century, I have no cassette tapes. If you’re coming to GenCon, have a cassette tape you can live without, and want to make the next six weeks more interesting for Jenn and I, give me a tape at one of my events!

Anyhow: Here’s where I’ll be at GenCon!


Due to slow travel and poor weather, I’ll be arriving to GenCon Thursday afternoon, and will only be at one event… but it’s a good one!

5 pm – 8 pm: LEVEL UP – Art Inspired By Gaming Reception

Thursday night Twogether Studios is teaming up with the Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art as part of a month-long exhibition of art inspired by and from games of all sorts. Come to Cathead Press to learn to play Illimat and to enjoy some fantastic art! I’ll be there the whole time, but feel free to drop in any time over the course of the event.



10 am – Noon: SPPLCG DEMOS (Renegade Games Booth)

You can find me at the Renegade Games booth, giving demos of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game and talking about the game!


At noon, I’ll head over to the Oni Press booth. They will have twenty copies of the convention-exclusive Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game that they’re planning to sell at this event (It’s going to be in very short supply). So if you want a copy and want me to sign it, show up early!

In the afternoon I’ll be playing games at a charity event organized by Worldbuilders. My table is already sold out, but there may be other tables still open!

4 PM – 5 PM: TABLETOP DESIGN – Make Fancy  Dumb Stuff!

Are you thinking about making a game that uses weird & unique materials but there is a voice in your head telling you to do something easier & simpler? Or even real people saying its way too complex or impractical? Stick with paper and plastic? Come hear from industry professionals who followed different paths and how those choices affected their games and sanity. Panelists include Jon Ritter of Lay Waste Games, WETA Workshop, and Jennifer Ellis of Twogether Studios!


SATURDAY, August 19th

NOON – 3 PM: SPPLCG DEMOS (Renegade Games Booth)

You can find me at the Renegade Games booth, giving demos of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game and talking about the game!


Are a Society of Luminaries member or considering membership? Do you like card games & secret societies? Lively discussion about the game Illimat as well as special surprises for members & friends!


Every year at Gen Con I spend an hour in the lobby of the Hyatt, talking with everyone who stops by about whatever people want to talk about. Do you have questions about Eberron? Illimat? Gloom? The exciting life of a game designer? Then drop by and chat! This is entirely informal: show up whenever you like and stay for as long as you want. Maybe I’ll stay past six. Maybe I won’t. You never know.

That’s all for now, but watch this space – I may add more events on the fly!

Phoenix and GenCon 2016!


First of all, PHOENIX IS IN THE WILD! If you’re on Twitter, let me know (@Hellcowkeith) when you get your copy! For those of you who didn’t back the Kickstarter, we’ll be bringing Phoenix to Gen Con 2016! If you want to find Phoenix at Gen Con, here’s a few opportunities.

  • Blackbox will be selling Phoenix in the Kickstarter Room (Room 143, near the Exhibit Hall). Supplies are limited!
  • You can play a two-hour demo of Phoenix. This is a short scenario using pregenerated characters, but it’s a chance to dive in and give it a try.
  • You can create a character. This is a one-hour event that takes you through the process of developing a character and a wing. Character creation is one of my favorite parts of the system, and you get a Phoenix notebook as a takeaway!
  • We’re holding a seminar about Phoenix on Friday. We’ll be talking about the system, the setting, and the three-year journey to get it out!
  • And finally, I’ll be talking about Phoenix at the Q&A with Keith! This is a casual conversation, so I’ll also be talking about Eberron, Gloom, and what’s in development!

I hope to see you there!

GenCon, Gloom, and Twogether!

GenCon2014I’m back from GenCon with a few new games to try out. While I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to play games, it was an inspiring trip and an opportunity to catch up with lots of old and new friends. There were also a few important announcements that I wanted to share.


The second edition of Gloom is in stores now. You can find more information about it here, but I wanted to highlight a few things. This is an improvement to the existing game, not a complete transformation. While there are significant differences, it is possible to mix old and new cards together. With that said, if you own the first edition but still want to get the second edition, I’m working on something that will let you get good use from outdated cards… expect more news on that in a few weeks. if you have any questions about Gloom Second Edition, ask below.

However, there was another piece of Gloomy news at GenCon. I’m teaming up with Atlas Games and Steve Jackson to produce MUNCHKIN GLOOM. You may wonder how this works… after all, the goal of Gloom is to tell a sad story while keeping your opponents happy, while the foundation of Munchkin is backstabbing your friends while you amass ultimate power and wealth. Well, how exactly do you GET all that power and wealth? Munchkin Gloom takes a look at the other side of the coin, placing you in control of a dungeon full of monsters whose lives are about to be ruined by a band of obnoxiously overpowered adventurers. We’ve got a lot of fun ideas and I think it’s going to be a great flip side to the basic Munchkin saga. Munchkin Gloom will be out in 2015, along with Fairy Tale Gloom.


It’s been a long time coming, but my wife Jennifer Ellis and I are finally launching our own game company: Twogether Studios. I’m best known for creating Gloom and Eberron, and Twogether will reflect the principles seen in both of these. We intend to create engaging products with a strong emphasis on storytelling and imagination. We are working on RPGs, card games, and other ideas, and expect to launch our first Kickstarter in February 2015 to fund the production of a game we’ve been working on for the last year. If you want to keep up with what we’re doing, you can follow us on Twitter at @Twogetherstudio, or keep an eye on our website. I’m very excited about our plans for 2015!


I’m afraid this weekend didn’t produce new information about Eberron support in Fifth Edition. The D&D team at Wizards of the Coast has a lot on their plate right now managing the release of the new books, and I suspect it’s going to be a little while before they can focus on this. However, it’s something that is still in motion and I’m excited about the possibilities, so hopefully there will be solid news in a month or two. In the meantime, I’ll be getting a Q&A out later this week. And for my part, I just put together a half-orc paladin of the Silver Flame (from the Demon Wastes) to play in the 5E campaign I’m playing in. More news as soon as it’s available!