Everyone has secrets—and sometimes, those secrets can shape a story. Eberron Confidential is available now on the DM’s Guild, and it includes the following…
- 54 character secrets, ready to be printed out and distributed as player handouts.
- Tips for Dungeon Masters to integrate each secret into a campaign.
- Options for introducing secrets to your players, whether at character creation or during an ongoing campaign.
- Ideas for using rumors to add drama to party dynamics.
- Tables for quickly generating NPC secrets whenever you need them.
These secrets give each character a unique connection to the world of Eberron, and to provide an intriguing story hook for the DM to explore. Each secret also provides a minor mechanical benefit. In this, they’re similar to backgrounds, but where a background provides a very general story, secrets are specific and unique. It’s possible everyone in a party of adventurers could be former soldiers—but only one is hiding an aberrant dragonmark or was raised by gnolls.
These secrets are broken into categories, allowing the players and the DM to decide just how significant they want these secrets to be. Looking at the two examples above, Dated Daask is a casual secret designed to be used in a campaign based in Sharn—while Prince of Blood is a huge secret that could become a major part of a campaign if the secret heir chooses to pursue their claim. These secrets aren’t intended to cause strife between player characters, but rather to give each character a story to explore—something that could be exciting for the entire party.
Eberron Confidential http://tiny.cc/EberronConfidentialis available now! Let me know if you have any questions!
This is super fun, thanks Keith!
Immediately bought and consumed, loving the idea of a little bonus in exchange for something for the DM to use as a hook
I love how this looks, and the art is very evocative.
I love it, thank you Keith!
Bought it, but I’ll have to check it out later, as I’m in class for a few more hours.
I love the notion that one of the PCs (or an NPC they encounter) is the transformed Kaiuss III. The opportunities for roleplay are rich. How would they prove it? How would the other chanacters react to the claim? “So you’re the real King Kaius? Well, Your Majesty, I’m Sora Teraza, pleased to meet you! Har, har, har!” And how would they react if it could be proven? If they’re Karrns? If they’re not? There are so many directions that could go.
While the general idea is that you choose a secret when creating a character, we discuss how you could add secrets into an ongoing campaign. I love the idea of the the group who have been adventuring together for a year, and someone says “Y’know, I guess I really should tell you all that I’m actually Kaius III…”
What’s behind the dwarf’s glasses? Everyone looks shocked when he takes them off.