Bad Movie Bingo: Suicide Squad

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Sometimes you’re going to see a movie you KNOW is going to be bad, and you want to take your mind off the fact that you’re never going to get these two hours back. That’s when you can reach for a bingo card. Here’s a set of ten unique cards you can print and cut out:     BMB Suicide Squad

A few ground rules…

  • If something is in quotes, we’re looking for the exact phrase.
  • If it’s not in quotes, the thing in question can appear or simply be referenced. So Superman could be Superman himself; someone talking about Superman; or even a picture of Superman on a wall.

We don’t know if all of these things will actually appear in the movie – but hey, searching for product placement can take your mind off how terribly, terribly bad the movie is!

SUICIDE SQUAD BONUS ROUND: Before the movie starts, take a guess at How many named characters will die and write the number on the back. Now there’s two ways to win. Good luck!