The new season of Game of Thrones is about to begin, and that means that it’s time for a new round of Game of Thrones Bingo! You can find a set of ten cards here:
For those who’ve never used one of my bingo cards before, most of the spaces are things that MIGHT happen, but there’s no assurance that they will. I’m sure we’ll get a dragon versus dragon battle at some point, but I think it’s a long shot for the first episode. Beyond that, a few basic rules…
- (Character)/(Character) means that we have a meaningful interaction between those two characters. So in the case of Jamie/Brienne, do they have an awkward reunion?
- You’ll have to decide if you’ll allow the name of a thing being spoken to be enough to fill a space, or if it needs to play a more significant role in a scene. Can you mark off a square just because someone in the show SAYS “The Night King” or “The Army of the Dead,” or do we actually need to see them on screen?
- In general, debate as to whether a scene checks off a box is encouraged. Was that nudity gratuitous, or was it tasteful and justified? Was that injury really “gruesome,” especially by GoT standards?
As always, the most important thing is to have fun! And remember, when you play the game of Game of Thrones Bingo, you win or you… don’t. It’s pretty straightforward.