Game of Thrones Bingo, Episode 8.1!

The new season of Game of Thrones is about to begin, and that means that it’s time for a new round of Game of Thrones Bingo! You can find a set of ten cards here:

GoT Bingo 8-1

For those who’ve never used one of my bingo cards before, most of the spaces are things that MIGHT happen, but there’s no assurance that they will. I’m sure we’ll get a dragon versus dragon battle at some point, but I think it’s a long shot for the first episode. Beyond that, a few basic rules…

  • (Character)/(Character) means that we have a meaningful interaction between those two characters. So in the case of Jamie/Brienne, do they have an awkward reunion?
  • You’ll have to decide if you’ll allow the name of a thing being spoken to be enough to fill a space, or if it needs to play a more significant role in a scene. Can you mark off a square just because someone in the show SAYS “The Night King” or “The Army of the Dead,” or do we actually need to see them on screen?
  • In general, debate as to whether a scene checks off a box is encouraged. Was that nudity gratuitous, or was it tasteful and justified? Was that injury really “gruesome,” especially by GoT standards?

As always, the most important thing is to have fun! And remember, when you play the game of Game of Thrones Bingo, you win or you… don’t. It’s pretty straightforward.

Game of Thrones Bingo: The Finale

It’s the season finale of Game of Thrones, and that means it’s time for one final round of bingo. A few reminders…

  • words words words” means someone says that phrase – so someone has to say “Mother of Dragons”.
  • person/person means that those two characters have some sort of interesting interaction. Since we know there’s a big meet-up this episode, will the Hound and the Mountain have a moment? Will Davos and Bronn share some snark?

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m crossing my fingers and HOPING it’s going to be a bad day for Littlefinger… and wondering if the episode may end with something happening to the Wall.

In any case, here’s the bingo cards – enjoy!

GoT Bingo Cards 7-7

Game of Thrones Bingo, Episode 6.9

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It’s possible you’ve ended up here while trying to find an Eberron Q&A – if so, follow the link for that. If you’re here for Game of Thrones, what we know is that this episode is supposed to focus almost entirely on the battle for Winterfell. Given that, I’ve only included North-centric squares, and we have a lot of “Someone kills someone” spaces. It seems like a sure bet that Ramsay will kill someone, but what about Sansa? We know Wun Wun the Giant will charge into battle, but will he crush an enemy by stepping on someone? And will someone turn out to be unexpectedly pregnant? Only time will tell!

You can get the ten-card set of cards here: GoT Bingo 6-9


Game of Thrones Bingo, Episode 6.8

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For anyone playing along at home, here’s the bingo cards for this week’s Game of Thrones:

GoT Bingo 6-8

There’s a few holdovers from last week, as we’re still hoping to see Arya on a boat and at least one dead Frey, not to mention a few possibilities for more familiar zombies. And while we all know that Stannis is Dead, the space refers to someone – most likely Brienne – specifically bringing it up in conversation. “Face Off” primarily means someone removing their face (as we saw last episode)… but we’ll accept a particularly dramatic confrontation!

Have fun!

Game of Thrones Bingo, Episode 6.7

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I’ll be posting a new Eberron Q&A and writing about Phoenix next week, but for now, here’s the ten-card bingo set for this week’s episode of Game of Thrones. Will someone Lose Face (figuratively or literally)? Will we see another familiar zombie? And will someone (possibly a cook) be revealed to have a bun in the oven? Remember, in the Game of Bingo, you win or… you don’t win. Basically.

Download the cards here: GoT Bingo 6-7

Game of Thrones Bingo, Ep. 6.5

Screen Shot 2016-05-21 at 10.55.56 AMAs with last week, I’ve created a set of ten bingo cards for this week’s episode of Game of Thrones. While I have avoided spoilers about the episode, the preview shown last week gave an indication of which plotlines will be at the heart of the episode; as such, I’ve left out any references to King’s Landing but added in spaces dealing with Braavos, Bran, and the Castle Black Crew. As always, there is a good chance that a particular square will not actually appear in the episode, but that’s what keeps it interesting. We know that Littlefinger appears… but will he be creepy about Sansa? Will Meera have anything to do other than waking up Bran? Will we actually hear “Promise me” at the Tower of Joy?

Anyhow, if you’d like to play along, download a copy of the cards here: GoT Bingo 6-5

Game of Thrones Bingo

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I’ve been watching the new season of Game of Thrones with a group of awesome and creative friends. Making games is what I do, so naturally I decided to make a game out of it. If you’re interested in trying it out, you can download the full set of ten cards by clicking on the following link: GoT Bingo 6-4.

I did put these cards together with episode 6.4 in mind; I had a hunch that we wouldn’t see Bran again until 6.5, so there’s nothing on these cards about Bran, Meera, or Hodor. I’ll put together a new set of cards for the next episode, so check back here on Saturday!

Phoenix Seminar 2In other news, if you’ve been following the blog you know that my new RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command is coming out soon. If you’re attending Gen Con Indy (August 4-7th) and would like to know more, come to our seminar on PhoenixWe’ll be discussing the setting, the system, and talking about all the things that make Phoenix unique. I hope to see you there!